Face-to-Face Worship Remains Suspended through July

Meeting by Zoom on June 2, the elders of EPC after praying and considering guidance from both governmental and denominational sources, decided it is safer for all and generally more prudent not to hold worship services in the church at least through the end of July. 

A plan was created for groups of 10 or fewer to meet at the church or in homes for church sponsored activities. Those groups should contact the pastor for more details before planning those kinds of meetings.

In the meantime, the current program of online worship, Zoom fellowship, daily devotionals and other forms of online communication and telephone contact will be continued. In a letter to the congregation, the elders stated, "We appreciate the ways you have adapted to the unusual circumstances of this pandemic and rejoice that we remain strong as a church and in many ways are drawing even closer to one another as friends and followers of Jesus."

The elders are now meeting twice a month to oversee the ministries of the church, to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to provide the best leadership possible during this unprecedented time. 

"Thank you for your continued prayers," the letter concluded, "and your ongoing financial support of the ministries of our church."


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